Luftwaffe Decals.

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Dosen't sound easy...but nothing is impossible.

Dwight, just checked the site again, and your'e right (damn!). Have to find another source...
Agreed, not easy at all.
The better course of action might be to contact an established, well-known decal company, who already has a good distibution and distributor base, preferably world-wide, and make them aware of the gap in the market. This would need to be backed-up by evidence (eg, quoting those now defunct decal sheets once available), and by a demonstration of knowledge of the market and the decal producers (the latter are not neccessarily marketing their products, but printing for others, for example Microscale, and Cartograph), with an indication of the requirement for the product(s), demonstrated by examples of users, for instance, from this forum.
Guttorm's idea of notifying his contacts at Revell (Germany) is also another possibility, in creating the idea of a new product line, as an 'accessory', for a waiting market. Approached correctly, this could yield a response, especially if the 'range' of possible decals was kept simple, dealing with letters, numbers, and similar items for popular subjects from various air forces/periods, in the most popular scales.
Other than that, if no luck with the above, then it's down to me, and/or others like me, to take the risk of having, at first, a limited number of basic sheets produced, and hope that they can be 'moved'. Of course, this could work too well, where demand exceeds the capacity of a 'one man band', and requires a full-time business to operate the design, production, marketing, sales and distribution!
How about Clave, with his profiles? Knowing his quality in that department.....would that be a way to go, for us here anyway? I asked him before, can't remember his reply though.
Gentlemen, I believe we need to conduct a poll of members and determine the actual demand. If we start a thread/poll of how many people would actually buy a certain decal sheet if it were available today. Do this on other modelling websites as well. Take that market information and present it to different manufacturers and see which one bites. If it's a market/business proposal, I know how to write those. Just need the information to put it together properly. On the other hand, if a member were say under employed and needed work, the market number would give them an idea of how many to make and might take that venture on. What do you guys think?
Yep, Eagle Strike and Eagle Cals are just two of those already studied. Problem is they produce specific sheets for specific aircraft - what I'm aiming at are the numbers used on the aircraft, in the various colours, plus 'Stab' winkels and bars; items normally only available as part of one of the specific sheets mentioned. This leads individuals to purchase a sheet, for say, FW190A8's of JG300, in order to just use the 'Yellow 2' numerals on that sheet. If there were sheets of numerals available, it would save a lot of hassle, and expense!
Thanks, I'll look into that. I've got a couple of similar companies on file, but I'll see what my local contact can come up with first. The possible advantage here being that it will just be another job, fairly easy to produce as the artwork will be provided, and the firm can handle short runs, as opposed to specialist decal printers requiring minimum order quantities, normally around the 200 sheets per design region.
Count me in for some of these, also how about a sheet of hakken cruz in different styles and scales if it's no too politically incorrect
Yep, crosses and swastikas are available in various scales from a few companies, as are late-war numbers, and black I.D. letters. It's specifically the standard numbers and Stab markings/Gruppe bars I'm aiming for, plus some of the more common JG and KG badges, shields etc seen throughout the war possibly.
Most modellers of Luftwaffe aircraft must have been in the position where they've needed just two numbers, one for each side of the aircraft, and have probably bought a totally un-related decal sheet to get them, with the rest of the sheet probably lying unused for years. I know, I've done it!
I'm talking to a contact at a local colour printers, with a view to providing him with some 'trial' artwork, and getting a small print-run made. He's away now until May 8th, but he should have some outline costings when he gets back. If it's reasonable, and I have the spare cash, I'll try it. If it's 'beyond my means' economically, or the order quantity required is unmanageable, then I've got a couple of options up my sleeve, and will be talking to a specialist decal producer, to 'test the water' as it were.
As soon as I know more, I'll let everyone know.
Darn! One of those mysterious double posts again! I wonder what's causing this so often? I've deleted the stuff here.
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Darn! One of those mysterious double posts again! I wonder what's causing this so often? I've deleted the stuff here.

Drop Bears. Seen it happen a few times. Nasty buggers. This one time in Skargotten, I was leaning on a Volvo and - "BAM' - double posted all the way to Keepin Komin. Nasty. Just nasty.
Didn't I see you hide behind that bird the other day........what was it again, aaaah....yes, Wildcat! And as I recall, you had something rather small and light in colour in your hand, almost p*ss colour, you looked rather comical twisting, turning, eyes over your shouders and bending down, as you sipped on that odd looking afore mentioned p*ss coloured substance.
The face of the museum employee was rather funny as well, finding budweiser, Miller, Newcastle and other bottles after you left. Can see the in house newsletter....."Mysterious Bottles Found In Our F4F Wildcat!"
One wonder now, why the sudden thirst, could it be chasing all those Hippocroccofrogs....?

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