Lieutenant General
"Luftwaffe Over American - The Secret Plans to Bomb the US in WW2"
by Manfred Griehl
Greenhill Books - 2004
ISBN: 1-85367-608-X
This is a book that deals primarily with the Luftwaffe's attempt to develope an extremely long range bomber for possible raids against North American (primarily the US).
The book totals 256 pages divided into 13 Chapters, Sections for Acknowledgements Bibliography with 79 photos and 38 diagrams.
The chapters are as follows:
1 - The Path to Strategic Air War
2 - From the Outbreak of War to December 1940
3 - The Year 1941
4 - The Year 1942 - First Half
5 - The Year 1942 - Second Half
6 - The Year 1943 - First Half
7 - The Year 1943 - Second Half
8 - Techniques to Increase Range
9 - The Year 1944 - First Half
10 - The Year 1944 - Second Half
11 - The Year 1945
12 - Rocket Attack
13 - The Ordnance
The author does an excellent job with adhering to facts he was able to verify and never mentions the alleged flight of the Me-264 that some claim took place to within a few miles of NYC. The issues with politics as well as technological issues are addressed and discussed. It was interesting the various aircraft the Luftwaffe considered or requested for this operation:
Fw 200, Fw 300, Bv 250, Ta 400, He 177, Ju 290 390, Ju 488, Me 264, Bv 222, Bv 238, Do 214, Me P 1107, Me P 1108, Horton XVIII, Junkers flying wing as well as the multi stage version of the V-2 (A-10).
Also discussed is a version of the V-2 that was to be launched from a U-Boat towed in a canister with chemical and radioactive material considered for the warhead.
The methods addressed were aircraft that could fly non-stop round trip, ones that would land in the ocean to be refueled from a U-Boat and ones that would be refueled air-to-air. I was surprised that they had came up with a pretty good areal refueling system that's not that much different than the ones done today.
Excellent read.
by Manfred Griehl
Greenhill Books - 2004
ISBN: 1-85367-608-X
This is a book that deals primarily with the Luftwaffe's attempt to develope an extremely long range bomber for possible raids against North American (primarily the US).
The book totals 256 pages divided into 13 Chapters, Sections for Acknowledgements Bibliography with 79 photos and 38 diagrams.
The chapters are as follows:
1 - The Path to Strategic Air War
2 - From the Outbreak of War to December 1940
3 - The Year 1941
4 - The Year 1942 - First Half
5 - The Year 1942 - Second Half
6 - The Year 1943 - First Half
7 - The Year 1943 - Second Half
8 - Techniques to Increase Range
9 - The Year 1944 - First Half
10 - The Year 1944 - Second Half
11 - The Year 1945
12 - Rocket Attack
13 - The Ordnance
The author does an excellent job with adhering to facts he was able to verify and never mentions the alleged flight of the Me-264 that some claim took place to within a few miles of NYC. The issues with politics as well as technological issues are addressed and discussed. It was interesting the various aircraft the Luftwaffe considered or requested for this operation:
Fw 200, Fw 300, Bv 250, Ta 400, He 177, Ju 290 390, Ju 488, Me 264, Bv 222, Bv 238, Do 214, Me P 1107, Me P 1108, Horton XVIII, Junkers flying wing as well as the multi stage version of the V-2 (A-10).
Also discussed is a version of the V-2 that was to be launched from a U-Boat towed in a canister with chemical and radioactive material considered for the warhead.
The methods addressed were aircraft that could fly non-stop round trip, ones that would land in the ocean to be refueled from a U-Boat and ones that would be refueled air-to-air. I was surprised that they had came up with a pretty good areal refueling system that's not that much different than the ones done today.
Excellent read.
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