A Fist Full of Dollars was a copied from a Japanese film so was the Magnificent Seven they just changed them into westerns neither was as good as the originals Leones best western was Once apon a time in the West with no Eastwood although i must admit The G,B&U was brilliant and made all the better by Ennio Morricone's teriffic film score The Ecstasy of Gold and The Trio are classic movie moments. Morricone as im sure you know wrote all of Sergio leones film scores Ive been to little hollywood in Spain and most of the sets from a Few Dollars more are still there.
I still think Mcqueen was cooler Eastwood playing a gunnery sarg in Heart Break Ridge was hilarious silly old sod running about in combat, get real.
He had more lines across his face than the bleeding Somme had trenches and that stupid grumbling voice he put on about as ferocious as Danny Kay in Walter Mitty