Be wary of the descriptions of the colours. These were not official. The RLM system was a numeric system, just like the modern FS system used today. The number of the colour was matched to a standard colour chip rather than a complex set of mathematical values, but the principal was the same.
Different manufacturers gave the colours a verbal description, presumably as a sort of shorthand for their workforce.
For example in Dornier documents, rather confusingly, both RLM 81 and RLM 82 are described as "dunkelgrun".
Messerschmitt described RLM 82 as "olivgrun" (and RLM 81 as "braunviolet"). I've seen RLM 82 described as "Hellgrun" too
You can see that RLM 82 is described unofficially using different words. This does not mean that the colours were different.
Incidentally you can find RLM colours 64,69,71 and 83 all described as "dunkelgrun" by various organisations at various times simply because they are all a dark green colour, though not the same.
Different manufacturers gave the colours a verbal description, presumably as a sort of shorthand for their workforce.
For example in Dornier documents, rather confusingly, both RLM 81 and RLM 82 are described as "dunkelgrun".
Messerschmitt described RLM 82 as "olivgrun" (and RLM 81 as "braunviolet"). I've seen RLM 82 described as "Hellgrun" too
You can see that RLM 82 is described unofficially using different words. This does not mean that the colours were different.
Incidentally you can find RLM colours 64,69,71 and 83 all described as "dunkelgrun" by various organisations at various times simply because they are all a dark green colour, though not the same.