Member's Mustang Thread.

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Southern New Jersey
Ok, so here is the deal....

We all go to airshows.

I assume that the P-51 Mustang is probably the most common fighter plane around at these shows.

We like to take pictures.

So, whenever anyone goes to an airshow this year, get a pic of a P-51 and post it here. I want to see how many different Mustangs there are and also we can track a few as they move about the country.

To get the ball rolling, here is a pick of myself, B17Engineer and Toughombre at Reading in 2010.

Lets have some fun!!


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Now thats what I'm talking about!

Here aresome more from Reading 2010.

"Gentleman Jim"


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Great idea...but a scary one (I've close on 3000 +pics of the '51 taken at various shows here in the UK and the States, including the GOML 2007 event) as this could be a very big thread !. I'll put these ones forwards for starters

Ferocious Frankie, Duxford

Big Beautiful Doll, Duxford

Nooky Booky IV, Duxford

Gunfighter, Midland TX

Only 2995 more to go
Can I play?

David Price's "Cottonmouth"

Man O' War

Pecos Bill

Kevin LaRossa's P-51D

Kimberly Kaye

Hell 'R Bust

Lady Alice

Lady Jo

Princess Elizabeth

Spam Can

Double Trouble Two

Un-named BBD paint scheme

Su SU on the deck

Wee Willy II

Six Shooter

I have more, but that's a good start.
I knew I'd be seeing you here Gary. Nice shots!
...Glenn, bit of a no-brainer really !.

Here's a few...OK, more than a few ...of some of the 70 plus '51s that attended the GOML 2007. Just the nose art for the moment.


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Florence, I had to re-size those pics! Its was taking 30 minutes to load the page!

We're off to a great start! Now, throughout the year, if we can get pics with the members in them, at the show!
love the pics chaps,keep um coming

if anyone has some more pics of detail for big beautiful doll i'd love to see them as i'm still quietly hand painting my 1/72nd kit as this aircraft when i get time that is
Mustangs aplenty at Chino 2010. I'll be attending 2012, and hopefully there will be as many to view.


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Unfortunately, we don't have the huge arishows up here in Redding like alot of you folks do, so my collection of Stangs is almost pitiful.

But I'll contribute what I have:

Collings Foundation TP-51C at Redding 2009

P-51H - Redding Airshow 2009

P-51D - Redding Airshow 2009

P-51D doing aerobatics over our shop, February 2011

P-51D - Redding Airshow 2011

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