Member's Mustang Thread.

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if I hit the half a billion lottery you can count on it! until then its know its worth every penny...and I know in this economy how hard it is to spend the money but its buying a memory.


They had the "Horsemen Cometh" just a few weeks ago down here on PBS. I loved it!!
Great stuff Jim.
BTW Bob Hoovers yellow tail is the reason Merlin's Magic has a yellow rudder.
Stu had the rudder trim tab blow off years ago at Reno. That was the year Bob taxied into a pickup truck on the ramp. Taxiing off the runway past the grandstand. He failed to zig and zag..... right up the nose of the truck towing a plane. They called it the Hoover Matic. Looked like a bread slicer got after it. Non the less, Bob offered his rudder to Stu so he could keep racing. When he had the rudder rebuilt, it's yellow in honor of BH. He finished the weekend with half the green lettering of each side on the yellow. So don't forget to taxi like a drunkin sailor!
We spent the weekend in Scottsdale and a couple of us went to Chandler and Falcon Field to see the CAF displays. Sentimental Journey is looking great and they have a fantastic facility at Falcon.


Thanks! unfortunately we are not going to Reading this year, Fortuna instead...yay fog! maybe next year. Here are a couple more worth posting. FUN stuff!!


so thats what the mirror is for!

Great pair!


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