It doesn't cut across the Classic hardback that Fernando and I did. In fact, if anything, the two are complimentary. There's the odd glitch, but unless I pull it off the shelf, I'll leave it to you, Max, to find them.
Whisper this, matey, but you may see a BIG article in an aircraft modelling magazine early next year... On the Bf 110, of course. Some previously unpublished piccies as well!
By the way, I read through the 110 v. P-38 thread, all 7 pages of it. Interesting that the odd person still thinks the Bf 110 was flying at full capacity during the BoB while receiving heavy losses. Didn't have the heart to burst that bubble, but it's on page 30 of the May 2009 SAM magazine if you have it. And if you are such a devotee of the 110, Max, you should have it...!
Ah, hello John, nice to see you here! You've been at it again eh? You know as a devotee I was right there with the SAMI magazine, even contributing a bit to the Hess profile. Which was probably wrong.
By the way, I still have a pristine copy of "Zerstorer" I need signed next time you find yourself in London. Ok, I'll buy the curry and the beer.
As for the unenlightened... what can we do? The facts are there, found mainly by yourself...