Micro Build #2, 1/144 Fw-190A Sturmbock

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Senior Airman
Oct 18, 2007
Western Washington, USA
I was having a bit of a mental block on the 1/144 Gustav this evening. Stuck on the exhaust but practicing on some scrap for now.
Earlier today, I had scaled some Fw plans for next week...
While looking for tidbits from my scrap bin, found these 1/285 scale planes

where's Waldo?

here he is!
I bet Wurger likes this Fw in particular

inspired me to

and then

30 minutes to do this...
Great.... A small Wurger...I like it.

But the red rudder is incorrect I'm afraid. It should have been either of the yellow colour or of the camo scheme tonalities.
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Thank you again for the info you sent to me via PM. I am not 100% certain which version of the FW that I will base the Sturmbock from; A-6, A-7, or A-8. Thank you for pointing out some of the detail differences that I was not aware of. With the miniature's modest scale of 1/144, probably difficult to portray too many of the fine points.

"But the red rudder is incorrect I'm afraid. It should have been either of the yellow colour or of the camo scheme tonalities."

I should have suspected this. I did think the Squadron FW booklet with the FW assaulting the bombers while still with belly tank was awkward! So I'll fix this. I really appreciate you pointing this out.

One of my peeves is incorrect art in books and booklets. I bought the Osprey SHERMAN vs FIREFLY. Cover art shows an early Tiger I in Whitman's markings, same for some engagement/sight picture art renderings inside. Should have had all the late model features.
no coloured rudder at all, though there is a pic of a very early A-8 Sturm with 4 2cm weapons of JG 3 with a white rudder which may have been a Staffelkapitäns crate though short lived as that was removed almost immediately when the A-8's converted to have outter 3cm weapons installed.

the belly tank was sometimes left on during Sturm attacks from the rear, the pilot literally forgot to drop it, cine camera footage also shows this.

Remember the "Fat One" in all his stupidity ordered every LW pilot on S/E's to engage any bomber, fighter with the tank left in place as not to waste precious fuel.
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I was painting ROT 10 IV/JG 3 right off the cover of the Squadron FW 190 In ACTION booklet
red and yellow spiral spinner, red below the engine and red tail
I did not research this....only a 1/285 scale micro bird, gaming piece.
I do see inside the booklet that the pictures show no tail color
there was a red 10 but no red rudder in fact no rudder colour at all. when the unit was 2./JG 51 in IV. JG 3 providing high cover - go figure. the staffel had red/white props not red/yellow in fact no one flying in that JG had that colour of prop/spinner also NO Sturm had red as under-engine cowling in JG 3. when 2./JG 51 became 16.Sturm/JG 3 it and the other staffels had the standard black spinner with white spiralschnauze
Just goes to show you, never trust any source! Dayum, this is supposed to be professional reference material, not juvinile writing! Cover shows 30mm outer cannon and "blinker" armor on the canopy sides
Glad that I had only put the markings on one of my 12 available FWs
I am also building a FW 190 and would love to follow this, but there are no photos?! Can someone explain why I don't see photos ?

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