Military Aviation Museum in Va Beach VA

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Yea I broke it to the boss yesterday that there wasn't any 190 A9's with the 4 bladed prop. His reply was "OK Thank You for trying but I have gone to telling people option number two. I said "what's that", He says "telling people Shut the F@#k up and asking them what do they have on their FW 190? LOL

I have heard that a famous Spitfire owner in England had much the same response when confronted by someone who questioned the paint job of his plane. He would ask them, "Oh? And what color is your Spitfire?"
Look at the Fighter Factory's Facebook post......TK posted a photo of the 190 landing and there were so many negative comments about the plane that TK pulled every photo and is not telling anyone what is going on with the 190. He said he was trying to give everyone a behind the scenes look and he is tired of what he keeps getting. So he pulled all pics and now everyone has to wait until Warbirds Over the Beach to see that plane......I don't blame him
While I don't personally like the four bladed prop, I would never post a negative comment about it. I'm just happy to see all these Würger's in flying condition. It's too bad that a very vocal minority's has caused all this heartburn.

BTW Dave, I found a ton of pics from V18/U1, but that is the only four blader I have ever seen. Hope your boss knows there are way more fans than naysayers out there.
He said he was trying to give everyone a behind the scenes look and he is tired of what he keeps getting. So he pulled all pics and now everyone has to wait until Warbirds Over the Beach to see that plane......I don't blame him

That's a shame, tell your boss to just keep doing it - to hell with them. I'd keep the pics up and keep showing people just to p*ss the naysayers off.

Hope your boss knows there are way more fans than naysayers out there.

Plus One to that.

Well, thats it then. I refuse to look at any more German WWII aircraft until they have real Germans of a certain political slant flying them, operational machine guns and cannons, original factory paint and tires etc,etc, etc.

Some people are never happy unless they are being negative about something. It wold be neat if they could be tracked from their Facebook page and issued a ban to the museum, its shows and any shows the museum sent aircraft to.

WTF is wrong with these people?



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