Thanks very much, guys. I was delighted it worked out to place the model at this wonderful museum. The rubbing I made over Captain Hanson's name at the Wall of the Missing at the American Military Cemetery in Manila, PI might be eventually incorporated into this display. It is a unique size of about 5 feet long and the lettering is about an inch high, but perhaps they can do something with it and frame it somehow. With or without it, the model is meant to be a tribute to Captain Hanson, his courage and skill as a naval aviator and combat pilot in WWII and the ultimate sacrifice he made for our country almost 70 years ago.
My next or current project is redoing an ESM 85" Corsair (like the Hanson plane) that will be painted as one of the airplanes from VF-17, the original Jolly Rogers that also flew in the South Pacific in WWII. Haven't decide which plane to replicate, yet, possibly its commander, Tommy Blackburn, who had so much to do with its success in WWII. This model will be going to the Spirit of Flight Center in Erie, Colorado next spring sometime.