<-- Mosquito FB.VI - Twin Engined Aircraft of WWII

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Thanks, Paul, Michael and Wojtek, it's much appreciated.

Final bits have been fitted, and it's now done.

PIC 1. The resin door and the scratch-built windscreen wiper - just two pieces of stretched sprue.
PIC 2, Door in place, and the 48 inch 'Gee' whip antenna at the rear of the canopy, port side.
PIC 3. Windscreen wiper in place - a real sod of a job to position without damaging the windscreen !
PIC 4. Props painted and fitted, and the nav lamps fitted, after drilling small holes and filling these with the appropriate colours, and she's done, for now.

I'll post the 'Finished' shots probably tomorrow, when I can set up some better lighting. Just visible in some of the pics is some 'crazing' of the matt clear coat, which has appeared since leaving the model for 8 months, although it's not visible to the naked eye.
I'm aiming to place the model in a 'cameo' diorama, with the 'trolley Ac' plugged in, and the ground crew ready to assist the pilot and navigator, but I'll post pics of this in the 'Completed Models' threads.

Thanks very much indeed chaps.
I'm hoping to get the last couple of bits done on the Mosquito PR.IX, then I can take the finished shots of both models at the same time.
Might have the pics by tonight.
Thanks Geo.
Been hoping for some good, natural light for the photos, but it's very dark and dull here at the moment. I'll try to make some space and set up some lighting either tonight or tomorrow.

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