That particular aircraft I posted above is "Glory Gal", a P-47N that operated off of LeShima in 1945. It has 2,500lbs of bombs and a 1,400lb load of rockets.
After a lot of thinking I think that I'll go with the P-47. She could take a good payload, take good beating and still bring the pilot home.
Off topic alltime favorite ground attack machine will always be the Douglas Skyraider. She could carry everything including the toilet and the kitchen sink...
Gotta go with the Jug. Hauls a big load, comparable to the B-25, plus 8 .50's and could take a beating that would have downed just about any other aircraft save MAYBE the Hellcat. Plus, IMHO, beautiful, in its own way:
I agree Erich, the FW 190A-8/R8 was tough, durable and hit with more firepower then any other plane in this survey. It was better vs bombers or ground attack then anything else. Period.
ME 262 was too fragile (and not dependable enough) and not able to take damage as well as the FW190A-8/R8. IMO
The A-8 perhaps was not the best "dog fighter" with the extra armor and cannons but it packed a punch that few if any could match. If you were to remove that extra armor and cannons it would of been a good dog fighter also. It could chew up ground targets and bombers like could also take damage well to.
Gotta go with the Jug. Hauls a big load, comparable to the B-25, plus 8 .50's and could take a beating that would have downed just about any other aircraft save MAYBE the Hellcat. Plus, IMHO, beautiful, in its own way:
LOL OK it IS a bit garrish, but that paint scheme did fly in combat (P-47D Tarheel Hal was flown by Lt. Davis of the 358th Fighter Group, 366th Fighters Squadron, 9th Air Force in Europe during WWII.), and I have to give credit to someone who'd fly this billboard into a fight.
Off topic alltime favorite ground attack machine will always be the Douglas Skyraider. She could carry everything including the toilet and the kitchen sink...