Most Recent R/C Airplane Excursion...

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Went out with Lloyd, Pegleg Harry and Myself... Lloyd and I have been working on 2 aircraft of his... A scratch built Force One, the green one, and a P-51D Mustang named Short Fuse Sallee...

This plane was unreal... Unreal flight control surfaces...... Fast as hell.....

The green one is just plain sick.... It looks like a stealth and sounds like a freak of nature....

I had my P-39Q Aircobra up on several flights, till I ran outta nitro and NO WIND, and landed in a tree... Damage was slight and repairable...

The Red Baron was kickin ass like always...


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ah Short Fuze Sally, a 354th fg bird of the 9thAF. good choice that fg kicked butt during the war and there is hardly a mention of them anywhere. their official fg history is crap
The Mustang is a real beauty.
Yours its too of course but it was better before you ran outta juice remind me not to go flying with you Les if you get a PPL.
I was pushing too many RPM's in my 14 minutes of airtime... I wouldnt have crashed if there was a nice headwind, but the wind was nil.... I made a turn around to land her, but i lost aileron control and stalled out into the tree.......

Not the first time ive crashed........

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