Motorsport Dioramas

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Senior Airman
Apr 13, 2010
Besides model aircraft,I also make dioramas depicting scenes from Australian/NZ Motorsport.namely Touring Cars/V8Supercars.

This one is in 1/43 scale and is 'The Esses' from the famous 'Bathurst' track in NSW.This scene is from the 2008 1000 km race -

This one is from the 1979 race and is the final corner at Bathurst coming onto the main pit straight. Legendary aussie champion Peter Brock is the driver.This is also 1/43 scale.

Another 1/43 one depicting turn 4 at Pukekohe in New Zealand -

I'll post more if anybody is interested.
I suppose inevitably,I'll make a WW2 diorama someday,a lot harder to do than these I reckon.
G'day Tony, they look great! I love the Bathurst dios mate, I've driven around it and you've caught it well!

Love Brocks A9X, 78' Car yeah? With the black interior instead of the beige? Is that a 1/18th Biante due to the figure or have you fitted that to a 1/43'd one?

I've got a massive collection of Biantes and Classics myself, glad to see I"m not the only Aussie car fanatic.

Keep em' coming mate!
The photos are gone mate! And then appeared! There great. I just wish the Yanks could see this race. As a displaced American, now a card carrying Aussie, I was gobsmacked the first time I saw the 1000. cheers, bill
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Thanks guys.
Yes Heinz,the Brock car is a 1/43,I custom made a figurine for it.You can get away without them in the newer cars as all the roll bars cover most of the windows but with the older cars,a lack of figurine stands out like a sore thumb imho.
Some more dios -

1/43 scale of the Albert Park start/finish line (home of the Australian F1 Grand Prix)
This was based on the speed comparison test they held between a V8Supercar and an F1 car.

1/64 scale this time - the 'Senna Chicane' at the Adelaide Parklands circuit in South Australia -

1/18 scale garage diorama including a custom job car I painted -


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