MP5 vs. Uzi/Micro Uzi

MP5 vs. Uzi/Micro Uzi

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The Uzi is kind of inaccurate due its open bolt, I am sure that the MP5 is better is better almost in any aspect, the only lesser thing is teh rate of fire if compared with the micro uzi.

The grip and control of the MP5, specially the variant with fixed stock is quite superior to the israeli gun.
Honestly never fired either. But for an armchair choice, the MP5 wins hands down. And even with an armchair degree on this issue and micro-Uzi is not even in the same class for the MP5 weapon design.
I agree with Matt. Although the Uzi is a good weapon, and excellent for its time, it can't really be compared to the HK family.
The MP5 series are superior in every way, from accuarcy, precision of working parts, which in turn minimise stoppages, weight and balance etc etc. Also, it is one of the few SMGs I have used which will reach and hit the target accurately beyond 100m !!
Just as an observation, would it be fair to liken the Uzi to a Sten gun or something of that nature ? Cheap, easy to produce and reasonably reliable all things considered ? It seems to me that if this is the case then the two weapons are in totally different classes, it would be like comparing a Sten to a Thompson.
...and a Thompson, while a good weapon, is an utter pig. Weighs a ton and with little punch. I'd take a Sten or a Greasegun in a heartbeat. Ever hefted one of those, especially with a drum mag? Jeez!! Like picking up a barbell.
I can tell you now mat that I wouldn't like to be standing in front of either, I reckon those .45's would mess me up pretty bad. But getting back to the point, the Sten was a mass produced piece of crap....for gods sake you could make one out of the same materials you make a bong out of
The Thompson meanwhile is a high quality gun, and apparently they are extremely reliable. I also heard Matt that the Drums made 'em jam, so most of the troops used the box magazines...Is that correct ?

By the way, I'm not calling the Sten crap in the sense that it was rubbish, it was just mass produced and made from cheap parts.
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It's all in your expectations. The Thompson with drums was a POS. Mainly due to the drums, but also due to the fact that it was over engineered for warfare in mud/sand. It was made out of forged steel and American walnut. That makes for quite the weapon to lug around. Even with stick mags it weighed almost 11lbs empty.

Don't get me wrong. I don't want to be shot by a .45ACP. I don't want to be shot by a .22LR. But if you are choosing submachine guns, the Thompson aint one of them.
I wouldn't hesitate to call the Sten rubbish. A nastier, cheaper weapon, you would have to go a long way to find. It was designed to be cheap and it was.
If you would like a closer companion to the Uzi I would suggest the Sterling which is what the Sten might have been from the start. Still pretty cheap but widely used and pretty popular
Seems we have a nasty trend here
Just how big is price difference between the two?
I think the Thompson weighs somewhere around 11lbs, right?

As for the better I say MP5! Just based on what I've seen my dad at the range do with the MP5 at work (It's for SWAT but he gets to shoot it at the range for training...)it seems a lot more stable than an uzi...

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