My FIRST WORKBENCH : NAKAJIMA A6M2-N type 2 Hidrofighter (RUFE) 1/48 Tamiya

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My friends, I very much appreciate your comments and compliments ... :idea: :arrow: :D

Continuing a little with the recovery of the antenna :rolleyes:, I leave you with some pictures.



I put the antenna in place by after some adjustments, I liked to have met the challenge.

After patching some details I applied the primer color, ... and leave to stand and paint in the color of the fuselage later almost to the end ...

Another detail that I want to improve, is the access ladder.
... and this picture is what motivated me:

As you can see, the kit comes with a "very simple" ladder. So it occurred to me make metal, and I will use pins that provide the most appropriate scale thickness ....

Down to work and start measuring, cutting, file down and forming the ladder ....

I made a first attempt to piece together with super glue ... did not work ...

I think that the best option will be to use soldering, but I have no idea how !!!
The last time I used welding was in the 9th grade at school !!

Here I will ask for your suggestions, recommendations and experience, I'm all ears friends.

We kept in touch and I wish you a in heart to spend holidays with family !!

I honestly

Luis Carlos
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I appreciate your comment Shinpachi.

Time has passed and I have not made any progress in my Hydro ...

"Le he sacado la vuelta" is an expression here in Mexico, "I've taken the turn" (not sure if given the correct meaning in English), when we avoid facing a situation we do not want, we dislike or fear gives us .. .in my case this is how I will use welding to assemble this ladder.

"A tomar el toro por los cuernos" is another expression, "take the bull by the horns" is when to deal once and for all that situation do not want, we dislike or fear gives us !!

Months ago I bought the soldering iron and the respective brazing wire, so soon I´ll start doing some tests.
(If anyone has any suggestions, method or link that can guide me, I'm going to thank beforehand)

I thank all of this large number of visitors to my desk, I hope soon comply with finish this wonderful seaplane.

Gracias infinitas!!
To be honest I'm not sure why you want to solder the ladder. Much easier way would be to make it of thin polistyrene sticks gluing with either the standard adhesive for plastic or the CA glue. If you can't buy such sticks in your LHS for instance you may use sticks stretched from the model sprues.

But if you insist on soldering you will need : a soldering iron , some of resin and solder used by electronical engineers. However if you want to use the steel wire you may need some of soldering acid instead the resin. The main thing for soldering is to lock all pieces firmly with thumbtacks or pins to the heat-proof basis ( e.g : a thick , wooden bar ) . These long side sticks of the ladder can be longer initially just for immobilizing. Later you can cut them shorther. The ladder staves have to be cut to their proper length firstly and then pin to the basis. Usually I use a piece of paper with drawings of soldered objects put on the basis. It helps to set all parts correctly. When all is set and disabled properly , the next step is to cover all pieces at areas where the solder is going to be applied with the rasin or the soldering acid. I use the iron for the resin and a brush for the acid. Then I start soldering by sticking the hot ending of the iron to the soldering point in order to warm up pieces. In almost the same moment I stick the solder wire to the joint and let it melt. It can be noticed like the solder filling the joint and covering both soldered pieces. Then I stop. It is important not to use too much of the solder and keep too long warming of pieces. When all parts are soldered you can remove pins and clean all joints with some of sand paper or files.

Here my stuff for soldering and soldered legs of a main landing gears for Helcat model and one of rails for a ship model.

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Thanks W for your prompt response and support. I also thought make her polystyrene at first, but I got the idea of trying to make her in metal ... I have the materials and the soldering iron to make, so I will venture to make some tests following your recommendation and as a last option will make with sticks stretched from the sprues model.

No few pieces they get on my phone in Samsung !! that is the limit! So I can count on my cell on Monday (I hope!)

Muchas gracias de nuevo y saludos!!

P.D. ...BTW what outstanding welding work you did !!

Luis Carlos
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Forum friends !! ... the seaplane is still alive !!
Since late March that will do nothing !!

The progress is minimal, but the urgency to revive the workbench thanking the many visits that had my Nakajima.

Transparent cockpit is ready, well polished.

With a mixture of 4-1 in semi-gloss black X-18 and X-13 Metallic Blue from Tamiya * respectively, I did that black bluish tone of the cowling and also applied to the ladder and bombs.

Soon I will work on improving the appearance of these pieces with washes.

Whereas I will work to paint the antenna that I reconstructed, again equaling the color of the fuselage ...

I will be glad to read your comments.

Un fuerte abrazo desede México

Luis Carlos
A question to connoisseurs:
The antenna is from inside the cockpit through the glass and is reached to observed that the color of the fuselage; what does not I distinguish in the pictures that I found is if all of the piece is in that color, or the part of the interior is in another color?

Thank you in advance your support.


I have had a look at a couple of Rufe and Zero shots. It appears the antenna mast could have been of light or dark colours. I would say it was of the basic camo colour of a plane. If the aircraft was of the grey one it was grey . If it was of the green the antenna mast was of the green paint. Also I found a couple of mixes... I mean a dark plane with a light mast and vice versa. And taking the fact it could be quite easy to attach/dismout into consideration , these antenna masts had to be painted in factories separately with the basic camo coat or another one that was ordered at that time. Anyway the antenna mast was of a solid colour.
I very much appreciate your response and comment W. , I thought so it was a period of measured time production ... there was no time for aesthetic details.
But I could be in some error or exception, and trying to make as close to reality this beautiful hydro ... best I turned to the experts.

Thank you very much friend!
... gracias Huge and Dave por sus visitas!

On this occasion I reinforced the ends of the stairs that make contact with the plane with tiny copper wires, which will make it more resistant the weak binding.

As you can see I broke another drill ... luckily I have another very similar and is the smallest of another set that I have (practically'll buy another set of 20 mini-drills, ... and soon I'll know how to treat them better ... just I get the five largest !!)

... ready to install ... 8)

... on the other side, and it was mounted in place the cowling * with the propeller.

It occurred to me try to make the chipping using sandpaper of 240, slightly highlighting the aluminum color ...

The antenna in the corresponding color to the fuselage (thanks Wojtek for advice ), set in place and the "carlinga posterior" (in Spanish) glued with Micro Kristal Klear and reinforcing the good bond with two rubber bands ...

We make the holes for the guide wire of the ladder ...

And that was the ladder fixed in place !! ...

... finally we are closer to the final details ...

Thank you for your visits and stay tuned to your kind comments.

Hasta pronto!!


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