My FW-190

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Hi Charles, I have found and scanned the Rudorffer Fw190A-4 photo, so here it is. Rudorrfer was the Staffel Kapitan of 6/JG 2. Squadron leader of the 6th Squadron.
A brief description is therefore in order to explain....A German Geschwader or Fighter wing consisted of (at this time) 9 staffels or squadrons, they in turn were divided into 3 Gruppen or Fighter Groups.
The first 1,2,3 Staffel, second 4,5,6 the 3rd 7,8,9. So 6/JG 2 was part of II/JG 2, each staffel used coloured numbers to identify them.
White for the first, that is 1,4 and 7, Black for the second 2,5 and 8, finally yellow for the last staffel in each Gruppe, 3,6 and 9.
The second Gruppe carried a horizontal bar behind the fuselage cross and the third Gruppe a vertical bar, the first Gruppe had no marking in this position.
Your previously mentioned circle marking was introduced as a 4th Gruppe identification when 10,11 and 12 staffels were introduced to expand the Geschwadern.
Further changes occurred, but I will leave that for another time....

I have included a photo and profile of the 4th Staffel's commander Kurt Buhligen, the photo confirms the use of the white fuselage and wing ID bands as well as the yellow rudder and cowling underside, which are not visible on the Rudorffer photo. Buhligens aircraft, however still carries the European Grey camo rather than the desert camo portrayed in the Rudorffer profile back on page 1 of this thread.

Hope this helps you with the painting process.


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Thanks, Wayne. Wurger uploaded a three-view of a A4 in desert camo, in
color. I'm going to print it out and pretty much go by it. He's also given me
the RLM numbers, and I have purchased some and have some on order.
Today i need to get a couple coats of diluted clear dope on it, and sand in
betweeen. Also have to fabricate landing gear struts, this "pin for an axel"
sucks. Then of course there is the lawn to cut..... you know what I mean.
Thanks again, for the pix.

Ok guys, the landing gear has been fabricated from .079 wire, and the pic's
show a dry fit to the fuselage. As you can see, I had to cut some of the
silkspan to get the gear in. The fuselage wings have had one coat of
diluted clear dope. I need to fix the holes in the wings, shrink that portion,
then do a light sanding and apply another coat of the diluted
clear dope. I can see the effects of the first coat.... it removes all the fuzz,
and makes the silkspan joints almost invisable. Maybe I can mate the wings
to the fuselage tomorrow, and start working on the wing fairings. Still need
to carve a spinner and make a three bladed prop.

Of course it gets landing gear doors !

Oh.... the tailwheel is a piece of balsa that looks like a tail wheel. Boo Hiss..
I gotta find a small wheel....



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No, BW, it won't fly now. Changing the landing gear and wheels will make it
extremely nose heavy. I changed the gear arrangment because I didn't like
the plastic wheels and the straight pin axle.

Hallo friend,

The finish is closer than I have expected.It looks graet.But what about the cockpit conopy?
Wurger: The canopy will be the last thing added to the plane after
it's painted. I still have to sand the fuselage and wings, then mate the
wings to the fuselage. And, add the "bumps" and wing guns. Decals
will be last.

There are RLM numbers of paints you have to use for Rudorffer's A4 camo.


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Wurger: Thanks.... I will check and see what I have, what is already on
order,and what I have to get. I know I do not have any Lichtblau for
the underside. That's first...

Ah!, excellent presentation on those colours Wurger. that makes life very easy for Charles to match up the colours.
Rudorrfer's aircraft would have initially been painted in the European greys of 74 grey/Green, 75 grey Violet and 76 Lt. Blue/grey. and at some point the 79/80 camo was applied over the 74/75.
Hallo Wayne,
I think it is true.The fighter was painted with European standard camo pattern initially but I think we can omit this part of making the model. Every ounce is important for its weight.

BTW Maybe you have a Testor"s number of RLM 76 paint?It could help Ccheese.
Wurger: I have RLM 76 Lichtblau, RLM 79, Sandgelb and RLM 80, Olivgrun.
RLM 70, Schwarzgrun is on order. I will go to the hobby shop tomorrow
and either get the others or order what they don't have.. Thanks for the

Tonight I put the "bumps" (cartridge ejection chutes) on the wings, and
the cowl fairings on the engine cowling. Got the wing fairings made but
not installed. Have all the paint needed except one color (RLM70), and
that is on order. It should be in Wednesday. I have a meeting tomorrow
(Tues) so nothing will be done. Maybe Wednesday I can start painting.

The FW-190 is all ready for painting, but I am going to wait til next week-end
to do it. I have all my paint except RLM 70, schwarzgrun, which is for the
prop and spinner. Which, BTW, is drying as we speak. I fabricated a
spinner and added the prop blades with a jig I came up with. One pic is of
the underside, which I've never photographed. In the meantime, I am going
to start my BF109.



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Wow Charles,the Fw looks .... I have no words.!!!!!!!!!
I cannot wait to see it with the camo pattern you have chosen for she.
Well done friend.The propeller is also looking excellent.Some sanding and painting and it will be looked like the real one.Great. .

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