For this I had to Write about a man of Puirtan faith going South to find others of the same faith. Well, it is set in the 1680's so enjoy I guess.....I found a couple errors since......
This is Thomas Smith. I am from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. I am part of the Puritan religion but direct orders from the Governor said to look for others who may be of the Puritan religion. I have ventured many kilometers over the past two weeks. I am in an area they call the Southern Colonies. They consist of the colonies of Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. These colonies are much different from what I am used to.
The families work on the farm together. Even the women work on the farms. Farms in this area are very small and worked by a single family. One family let me stay with them for the night. The conditions in the house are so cramped I snuck out in the middle of the night. There are one room shacks where the families live. I don't know how they do it they eat, sleep, wash there clothes all in one room. In this society no one seems to care about religion. All they do is farm, eat and sleep. Not even a hint of any religious activity. These people don't even have the slightest clue of what the Puritan religion is. All they do is give me a funny look. The roads are awful my horse was even reluctant to go on these untrustworthy roads. These colonies are much more self-sufficient then the Middle Colonies. These colonies had giant plantations. Some where so big they had slaves that came from Dutch and English ships almost daily. These people were rich and had huge house that were built by the slaves to. I find slaves unnecessary and cruel. Well, I should have known that I would be seeing these things when I crossed the Slave line, this is the line that separated colonies that had slaves in the South and the colonies from the North that didn't have any slaves. The weather down here is terrific for farming. Lots of crops are being grown. The most crops I see are tobacco and rice.
Another thing about the Southern colonies is that the people there are not unified under one person. As a matter of fact the Spaniards if they were smart could surprise attack these colonies and wipe them away. There should be one leader who should form and armed guard to protect the line of territory between the English and Spaniards always ready to attack. Also, these people down south are very poor. They must find a way to grow crops quicker and harvest faster. Slavery has been banned in these colonies which is good. I have seen many areas on my journey. I have been unsuccessful in my journey but I wish to return to my colony and get back to life as it should be.
This is Thomas Smith. I am from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. I am part of the Puritan religion but direct orders from the Governor said to look for others who may be of the Puritan religion. I have ventured many kilometers over the past two weeks. I am in an area they call the Southern Colonies. They consist of the colonies of Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. These colonies are much different from what I am used to.
The families work on the farm together. Even the women work on the farms. Farms in this area are very small and worked by a single family. One family let me stay with them for the night. The conditions in the house are so cramped I snuck out in the middle of the night. There are one room shacks where the families live. I don't know how they do it they eat, sleep, wash there clothes all in one room. In this society no one seems to care about religion. All they do is farm, eat and sleep. Not even a hint of any religious activity. These people don't even have the slightest clue of what the Puritan religion is. All they do is give me a funny look. The roads are awful my horse was even reluctant to go on these untrustworthy roads. These colonies are much more self-sufficient then the Middle Colonies. These colonies had giant plantations. Some where so big they had slaves that came from Dutch and English ships almost daily. These people were rich and had huge house that were built by the slaves to. I find slaves unnecessary and cruel. Well, I should have known that I would be seeing these things when I crossed the Slave line, this is the line that separated colonies that had slaves in the South and the colonies from the North that didn't have any slaves. The weather down here is terrific for farming. Lots of crops are being grown. The most crops I see are tobacco and rice.
Another thing about the Southern colonies is that the people there are not unified under one person. As a matter of fact the Spaniards if they were smart could surprise attack these colonies and wipe them away. There should be one leader who should form and armed guard to protect the line of territory between the English and Spaniards always ready to attack. Also, these people down south are very poor. They must find a way to grow crops quicker and harvest faster. Slavery has been banned in these colonies which is good. I have seen many areas on my journey. I have been unsuccessful in my journey but I wish to return to my colony and get back to life as it should be.