Nakajima Ki-44 CGI Project

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Thanks Wayne for your kind post too
I have understood that those illustrations introduced in the ki-44 operation manual are quite reliable when I pay more respects to the distance values among the fuselage ribs than before.
The rib shapes and sizes coincide with drawings and photos very well.
It's still a long road to the goal, though.

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Excellent work Shinpachi! This would look awesome if you could get this all printed out and assembled. You could probably sell it to a museum after you got it assembled!
Thanks, Hugh, CommanderBounds and David for checking!

Excellent work Shinpachi! This would look awesome if you could get this all printed out and assembled. You could probably sell it to a museum after you got it assembled!

I will think your suggestion seriously Thanks.
In fact, I have verified the fuselage shape and size by the position of ribs seven or eight times since last Sept to make sure the size error would be around +/- 10 mm (less than half a inch) though this is my self satisfaction.
Hi Everyone,

I have been looking up details on the actual airfoil on the Ki44, not much luck apart from the info on The Incomplete Guide to Airfoil Usage

Nakajima Ki-27 NN-2 mod (16%) NN-2 mod (8%)
Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa NN-12 mod (18%) NN-12 mod (8%)
Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki NN-2 mod (14.8%) NN-2 mod (9%)

and a scan posted some where on the web

Does anyone have any information as to how to actually plot out the airfoils for the NN series? or the shape of the ones used on the ki-44 and ki43. Wonder what airfoil is used on the taiplane too?

The data sheets of Nippon Nakajima (NN) standards were burnt when the war was over.
The best way will be searching for the closest shapes from NACA or tracing those diagrams respecting foil ratio.

According to the operation manual of the Ki-44, it was NN-21 (14.5%?).
Basic shape came from the Douglas DC-2.
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I was trawling the web and found a picture of an actual ki44 wreck, showing the wing section . Hope this helps.
I feel as if walking in the jungle to collect relics of the Ki-44 Tojo day by day to recover the total airframe.
It's far cry to make the tail landing gear simulation video so soon at the moment
Thank you very much.

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Thank you very much for your kind comments, Dave and Hugh!

Making some great progress, there, Shinpachi!

I am wondering, though, if someone were to make a brand new KI-44 reproduction today, what radial engine do you think would be best to replace the Ha109?

Length: 1,575mm
Diameter: 1,263mm
Dry weight: 720kgs
Power: 1,440HP

My instant idea is P&W R1830

Length: 59.06 in (1,500 mm)
Diameter: 48.03 in (1,220 mm)
Dry weight: 1,250 lb (567 kg)
Power: 1,200HP

If I was young and rich enough to rebuild such a lost airplane like the Ki-44, I would like to re-design the power plant based on the original engine.
Cylinder would explode in testing but I am a man who can enjoy it, probably like you too Thanks!

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