Need some input on an idea

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Member In Perpetuity
Jul 10, 2007
Virginia Beach, Va.

For the Seaplane Group Build, GB #22, I am considering a scratch-built, balsa/tissue model of a Grumman F4F-3S "Wildcatfish".
All I have is a set of plans, which I have enlarged so the model wingspan is 17 inches. This would be a close 1:24 scale.

I've never done a scratch-built model before, I'm a kit builder, and an OOB builder at that, so I am asking for some in-put.
I have plenty of sheet balsa, tissue and have ordered a F6F Hellcat canopy from Guillow's. I think I can make it fit.

What say you, lads ??



  • F4F-3S_Wildcatfish_NAN12-70.jpg
    49.5 KB · Views: 211
Definitely! With the plans and materials, the only real difference between this and your previous experience, Charles, is having to transfer the various component shapes onto the balsa, and cut them without them being previously die cut.
It'll take longer, it'll be challenging, but boy, will it be worth it!
And, the immense satisfaction of creating something literally from scratch will be, as they say in that well-known credit card ad, priceless!
Yep, just need to make a copier copy of the ribbing. Put a thinner tissue paper thru the copier and paste them to the sheet balsa. If you could make a little steel cutter for the stringer slots so you could Punch them out, that would cut time down a bit. Just leave the ribs solid, without cutting the centers out as well. Or you could use various size hole punches to cut centers. Even use a small hole punch for the stringer slots then stack them and finish them square with a file edge.

You kan doo eeet!

Just lookin around and found this....
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Bill: I use both a 1/16" X 1/4" and a 3/32" X 1/4" piece of balsa, with a piece of 200 grit sandpaper glued to it for notching. Works better than a blade, and don't break off the ends. I've started collecting sheet balsa, a three bladed prop and 3/32 sq basswood for the wing leading edge. As I think of things, I will pick them up. Also ordered a Hellcat canopy from Guillows. I can make it fit !

Thanks for the confidence, Lads...

You're a better braver man than I Charlie Brown, wouldn't even consider it. The very best of luck to you
Good on you Charles and what a challenge and what a machine to do it with, a Wildcat cousin! With your balsa skills, you're more than capable of pulling this one off. I say go for it my man and I have a feeling everyone will be behind you egging you on.

Also glad you got the wheel.
Er ... ahem ... I just noticed it's a Wil... one of those things. BUT! Sticking those whopping great floaty things underneath makes a huge difference, and it's no longer a Wil... one of those things.
It's almost attractive - in a "Jan looks almost intelligent when I'm drunk" sort of way ....
Terry... :lol:

Charles - give it a shot mate! IF by chance it gets too tedious or annoying, you could always revert to a 'plan-B' of converting a standard kit (like the one you built in GB 15)
Terry... :lol:

Charles - give it a shot mate! IF by chance it gets too tedious or annoying, you could always revert to a 'plan-B' of converting a standard kit (like the one you built in GB 15)


That was a F6F "Hellcat", the bigger brother to the Wildcat. This will be a long, drawn out build, but I don't believe too complicated. I mean.... how complicated is balsa/tissue ?

Just to keep me on track, I think I'll build the floats first !!

It's almost attractive - in a "Jan looks almost intelligent when I'm drunk" sort of way ....
Don't go there old boy, you trying to flirt with me, has left me with severe and deep mental scares for life! You'll receive the bill for my psychological recovery at the end of the month as per usual....

Go ahead Mr. C, you can do it!
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Go for it Charles. Back a long time ago I made an Etrich Taube from scratch, making the plans myself from a profile drawing and I had only made a couple of balsa models before that. You have a tons more experience with balsa that I have.

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