Neil Peart's (Canadian band, Rush) Drum Kit

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Just thought this was an impressive overhead view.

aerial view of Neil Peart's (Rock group Rush) drum set.JPG

Big influence on my drumming. Yeah I can play YYZ and so can some 14 year olds, like my cousin. However, trying to play La Villa Strangiato took me months. It's been so long I can only do so much of it cleanly. Any pro drummer you ask will tell you he is the shiznatz... His lyrics are legendary and profound in many ways.
Now check out Terry Bozzio's kit... Then listen to him master it. Met him a few times and he played at my kids high school. My son and daughter played in drumline and helped him break down his old kit 11 or so years ago. I sat behind it and was in glory...whoa! His latest rig is of the chain.


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