new project in the loft

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 28, 2010
maidenhead uk
Chris has just said its ok to build a airfield layout in the loft to put all my finished kits onto,any ideas chaps as i want to be able to use all my kits
How about a modern "Duxford Airshow" or "Battle of Britain Day" type layout... restored aircraft gives the excuse to use different models of different dates without them looking out of place?

sounds good Darryl that would be a good tie-in,the loft space is nearly 20ftx20ft so i could do more than one layout
I've got a plan drawing of DX in WW2, and you can get a current aerial view from Google mapping. Also, for any airfield still visible in the UK, the relevant Ordnance Survey map, in 1:50000 or better still, 1:25000, will show the outline to scale.
You lucky person, go for it.

You could even paint in sky, clouds etc on the wall or underside of roof (which could be panelled).
To replica Hungary's weather this year, you'd need to leave the freezer door open and keep turning the heater on and off - all extremes so far....
i'm more worried about the squirrels than weather chaps,they were in the old loft before the new extension was put up and 1st on my list of things to do is to check they can't get in again,the catch is i have to completely decorate the house by the end of the year before i can start anything in the loft but any ideas or info would be welcome

pics of the space in the loft for the planned layout plus some of the finished kits safely out of the way of the duster
I'm open to all ideas Evan of how to get the right look for this layout,we do have some slate roof tiles over that i thought might look good as a runway laid in the right way,any ideas chaps
Make the base from sheets of MFD. The runway can be painted on, using a mid grey colour, with areas closer to the viewer which represent concrete or tarmac being made from thin, painted card. (Model kit boxes are ideal!). Grass areas from scatter material or grass matt, or painted if distant from the viewer.
Roads, paths etc painted as required.

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