NFL 2011 Thread

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Cowboys voted most hated team.

Meet America's Team: The Green Bay Packers | ThePostGame

Americans love a winner and that's not the Dallas Cowboys these days. The team from deep in the Republic of Texas has been replaced as the nation's most popular team.

Aaron Rodgers' Super Bowl-winning Green Bay Packers were picked by 22 percent of voters as their favorite team in the NFL, according to Public Policy Polling's newest national survey. The Cowboys finished second, with 11 percent of the vote, followed by the Bears, Giants and Steelers.

NFL Films famously gave the Cowboys the title of "America's Team" in a 1978 highlight film. The program opened up with this intro: "They appear on television so often that their faces are as familiar to the public as presidents and movie stars. They are the Dallas Cowboys, America's Team."

A generation later, Dallas was actually picked as America's least favorite NFL team. The Cowboys got 22 percent of the negative vote, beating out the Chicago Bears' 8 percent and Green Bay's 7 percent for the title.

This was a bipartisan pigskin vote: Republicans (60 percent), Democrats (44 percent) and Independents (44 percent) all picked the Packers over the Cowboys.
It means to "think things are better than they actually are".

Anyhow, moving along...

Last Week: 10-6
Overall: 146-76

This Week:

Houston Texans 20-17 Indianapolis Colts
Baltimore Ravens 30-13 Cleveland Browns
Buffalo Bills 20-14 Denver Broncos
Carolina Panthers 27-17 Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Cincinnati Bengals 21-19 Arizona Cardinals
Oakland Raiders 24-16 Kansas City Chiefs
New England Patriots 24-21 Miami Dolphins
New York Giants 27-21 New York Jets
Pittsburgh Steelers 27-3 St. Louis Rams (If Big Ben does not play, the score will only be 20-3...)
Jacksonville Jaguars 17-14 Tennessee Titans
Minnesota Vikings 23-20 Washington Redskins
San Diego Chargers 34-33 Detroit Lions (More of a wish I guess...)
Philadelphia Eagles 27-21 Dallas Cowboys (Also way more of a wish I guess...)
San Francisco 49ers 26-14 Seattle Seahawks (Actually going to be tougher than I predict...)
Green Bay Packers 26-15 Chicago Bears
Atlanta Falcons 23-20 New Orleans Saints (Hoping...)
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From the Jets forum at

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through Jet Nation
The fans still all stirring, with much anticipation.
They were all hoping that their holiday wouldn't stink,
For once again the Jets season was teetering on the brink.

The players had practiced and were ready to play,
And the fans did their thing and started to pray.
Coach Rex wore his vest, and Mark donned his cap,
But we weren't quite sure if they'd play great or like crap.

The season began with Super Bowl chatter,
But by week 15, fans were wondering what was the matter.
It started just fine when we stole one from Romo
But the sting wasn't so nice when it was delivered by a certain Bronco.

Our QB is so inconsistent it's down right silly
Is he another Bubby Brister or the next Joe Wille?
It's hard to tell what's wrong with Schotty calling plays
Every game we go through streaks of offensive malaise

But the OC isn't the only guy on trial
Have you seen our right tackle, the human turn-style?
If you listen a little, the fans direct the blame
They boo and they shout, and call them by name:

"Fire Schotty! Fire, Schotty!" They say again and again!
"Cut, Ducasse! Cut Hunter! Cut Smith and Mulligan!"
On the ganggreen forums we've heard it all fall
"Fire them! Cut them! Get rid of them all!"

Our defense is not what we hoped it would be
No pass rush to speak of and a gaping hole at safety
When Victor Cruz is calling Revis out
You know that it is time to erase any doubt

And now here we are in another tense December
Will it be same old Jets or a finish to remember?
It's that time of year for us to believe
And maybe we'll see some magic on this Christmas Eve

This day it comes to a New York city war
One team plays on, while the other gets shown the door
A cross-town rival will look for playoff dreams to smother
And as Rex says, we'll find out who's the big brother

What we need is a dose of the old ground and pound
Plus blitzing and schemes to confuse and confound
Eli is good, but we know he can be beat
A little pressure and some picks spell his path to defeat

You know Plax will be ready to face his old team
And show them what its like to fly in the Jet stream
His running mate Tone will be eager to score
This time though, he should act like he's been there before

Countdown to kickoff, let's get this thing done
All I want for Christmas is another playoff run
Anything less and our season's a bust
Fingers crossed….in Rex we trust

Enough with the rhyming, let's get to the game
To root for our team….you know what to exclaim
J-E-T-S! Jets! Jets! Jets!
Get to the playoffs and see some upsets!

I wish you good cheer and a happy football day
Cause you know we need a win in the very worst way
I've got a funny feeling everything will turn out right
"Merry Christmas to all, where the dream lives on for one more night!"
Jets down 3 at half and receive the ball to start.

Minus one play of 99 yards, the Jets D had been lights out. A brilliant 2 minute drill was stopped by our crappy kicker.
yeah but they may still go to the playoffs while the Iggles sit. Eagles played well enough the last few weeks that Andy and Co. might stay around for next year. Ugghhh.
Ahhhhhh nice long off season to think about the pieces of garbage that need to be cut!!!

Guess all that **** talking about being the best team in New York did Ryan no good huh? I love how he puts his players on the spot like that. You need to cut him, as well as your QB (Sanchez is no better than A. Smith. The difference is that Smith does not try and do what he does not have the talent for.) and a few other players and start rebuilding that team.

Oh and Go Niners!

If a QB doesn't have a good Oline, can you really see how good of a QB he is? No. Our RT might as well fall on the ground so guys can go around him because when he attempts to block they go right through him. If we draft RT first round and a new WR or get Braylon back I think were good.

Not to mention a new OC. Who call 65 pass plays when the giants have the 28th ranked run defense????????? Mind-boggling
The problems lie way more in the Offensive Line. Sanchez is not a franchize QB. His play and decision making is just plane terrible. It reminds me of the A. Smith the last 6 years. As for the receiving corps, the ones you have are just fine. Plax is a much better Reciever than Edwards.

Like I said, the problems lie in:


And probably much more than that.
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