A little more progress to show, with the instrument panel almost finished, and the modifications to the Vickers gun housing underway.
PIC 1. Shows the instrument panel under construction, with the larger instruments mounted onto the panel externally, and smaller items partly counter sunk. Still a bit more to do before painting, especially to the spare Lewis gun drum magazine and its' housing (at the top of the panel.).
PIC 2. The housing and cover for the Vickers machine gun, as moulded on the port fuselage half. It's too long and too high, and not deep enough.
PIC 3. The first stage in modification. The front section has been sawn off, and the remainder filed down. A new gun trough has also been cut and filed, creating an opening for the gun's cooling jacket.
PICS 4 and 5. A piece of thin plastic card has been cemented in place, then bent and cemented over the top of the fuselage, and clamped, with a length of cotton bud (Q-Tip) tubing held in place to form the curve over the gun cooling jacket. I had intended to use a piece of plastic tube to make the gun itself, then realised I had some cotton buds with ribbed shafts, ideal to represent the water cooling jacket on the Vickers gun, retained from the standard land weapon.
Once the plastic card 'cover' has fully set, the cotton bud tube will be removed, and the gun cover trimmed, shaped and detailed. The ribbed tube will then be cut to the required length, an end cap added from punched plastic card, and the muzzle and ring sight added. The gun will be fitted later, after painting the model.
I hope to get some more work done tonight, and post some more pics very soon. thanks again for your interest, and thanks to Vic and Karl for the pics and info.