No 56 Squadron, RAF, 'The Firebirds', 1918 - 2008.

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Thanks guys. If a move is required, then I'll have to stay in this area I think, as I can't afford to move elsewhere, and all my medical needs are here.
As a diversion from working on the Harrier, and whilst waiting for its clear coat to dry fully, I've decide to make a start on the rigging.
This is being done using 'Invisible' mending thread, which is about as fine as human hair, and available in various tints, including 'clear'. One problem using this material is that it is almost bl**dy invisible, making it tricky to handle, even when using a magnifying glass!
Once the model is fully rigged, the individual lines can be coloured as required, using the edge of a paint brush.
PIC 1 Shows the thread used, in this case a steel grey colour, which cost £1 ($1.6 US).
PIC 2. Before attaching the upper wing, each rigging line is attached by selecting a long length of the thread, and passing it through the pre-drilled holes. This is then knotted, and the knot pulled into the hole, where it is secured with a drop of CA applied with the tip of a pin or needle. In this, the first line fitted, I was a bit over enthusiastic with the CA, but the excess is easily scraped off. Note that the externally visible mounting holes are filled by the CA, on top of the knot, and can be retouched later. On the top wing, these points are also covered by the decals.
Each line is done separately, with certain lines being 'doubled back' to complete the geometry, most notably on the control surfaces.
PIC 3. The line on the underside of the top wing. Note that plenty of free length is used, to facilitate fitting and fixing to the lower wing, once the top wing is firmly in place. When all upper lines are fitted, the details on areas such as the inter-plane struts can be painted.
This is going to be a slow job, as and when I have the time (and patience!) to continue, but I'll try to post regular up-dates as I proceed.


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Thanks Vic. Need to pick your brains re 56 Sqn Camberra - seen the Airfix kit on offer at half price, so got to be done!
I'll send you a PM.
Canberra B.2 WE188 used for target towing at Akrotiri, Cyprus while squadron equipped with Lightning F.6s if memory serves. Big bu$$er to build as well with lots of lead needed.
Yep - didn't think of that, did I ?!! The bl**dy thing is as long as a 1/32nd scale Hunter, and with a longer span!
B*ll*cks - need a bigger house !!
That's what stopped me working on my Monogram 1/48th B-24D. Got to the point of installing the wings and realized I didn't have a shelf wide enough to display it so it went back in the box and has been there for 10 years!
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