No guests???????

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
I've noticed that there have been Zero guests listed in the Who's Online? Is this a product of the latest fixes, or are they just Not listed any more?

Just askin. I have no more difficulties with the site, seems to be all okey dokey!
Chinese want to have cat-bacon, dog-bacon or even scorpion-bacon-on-a-stick.

Didn't know you prefer BSD over Linux, Horse;)

BTW. great job on the site, it's getting better and better.
No, no.. there is no dog-bacon or cat-bacon in China. The veal is made of dogs but cats are used for fixing kissel and cookies.
Yup, they eat anything that has legs. These scorpions are actually alive and moving while stuck on the stick. You point at one, they'll put it on the barby and yummy.... A colleague of mine was in China last week, he has a nice little movie of scorpions alive on sticks, ready to be eaten.
I've seen stuff to that effect on travel shows, never really thought it was that appealing. All of them over there eating bugs and whatever else that's unfortunate enough to be stuck on a plate (bamboo leaf, stick, etc.)

God it's great to be from a fairly civilized nation :thumbleft:
I've seen stuff to that effect on travel shows, never really thought it was that appealing. All of them over there eating bugs and whatever else that's unfortunate enough to be stuck on a plate (bamboo leaf, stick, etc.)

God it's great to be from a fairly civilized nation :thumbleft:

That's debatable..... :rolleyes:

I don't think that he meant, that he was civilized....

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