Not another Lanc' When will it end ?

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ian lanc

Senior Airman
Sep 30, 2007
mansfield, nottinghamshire
Oh dear guys I've been at it again! This is the bigger Sister to the 1/72nd ''Just Jane''

Well here is the follow up build to the 1/72nd ''Just Jane'' Takes some work to make the model look like JJ.

This is the Tamiya kit.

Decals are 'one off's' from Canmiliar Decals but may go on sale.


Last but not by all means least ''Big Sister Is Watching Over Baby Jane''

Thanks for looking.
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Nice one Ian. I keep getting tempted by that old Tamiya kit, in it's 'new' form. Last time I built one was in 1978, when it cost £25 - over-priced then, and more so now. Still, it's the only kit in this scale - unless Airfix release a 1/48th version of their new kit .....

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