Nuclear Explosions since 1945 - Flash Animation (1 Viewer)

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Wow, just wow...

Why would we (or anyone else for that matter) need to detonate so many?
Sooo... France blew nukes in Asia? Really. Somethings not right.

And what lesson do you take away from this? 2053 nukes and world still lives.
I meant Asia proper. Unless, I saw something incorrectly, it looked like it was claimed that France and UK exploded nukes in SEA. Surely did not see that right.
The French certainly came late to the party but then set off a lot. They set off 4 times the amount of the British in less time, guess we were just more reluctant to test. Still an interesting video to watch and we are all still alive for now and there have been a couple more Nukes go off since 1998.

Didnt the UK use proven US warhead designs? Or even be in the devoplement of some of the warheads and take advantage of US tests?
Some tests not mentioned;

In October 1944, the island of Rugen, a witness watched the detonation of a "disintegration bomb". (possible test of "Little Boy" type) plans or device recovered from U-234 which was en-route to Japan but surrendered to U.S.

There is a disputed report about the Japanese atomic program being able to test a nuclear weapon in Korea on August 12, 1945, a few days after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, and three days before the Japanese surrender on August 15.

In September 1979, a double flash over the Indian Ocean detected by a U.S. satellite was suspected of being a South African nuclear test, in collaboration with Israel (this event is known as the Vela Incident).

You forgot to mention that witnesses reported UFO's with swastika's were also seen at "Rugen" and in Korea.

Have you taken your medicines today?
France exploded nukes in Algeria and (currently) in the Margueses.

The UK began testing in Australia, then Christmas Island.

First explosion of a French nuclear bomb was in the early 60's in the Algerian Sahara, later they were tested in the Mururoa atoll in the Pacific (Tahiti area). The test stoped in the 90's after J Chirac decision.
You forgot to mention that witnesses reported UFO's with swastika's were also seen at "Rugen" and in Korea.

Have you taken your medicines today?

Ouch 1st direct slap on this board, I will just give the benefit of the doubt and pass it off as friendly banter.
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Ouch 1st direct slap on this board I will just given the benefit of the doubt and pass it off as friendly banter.

I was intending to be funny, sorry if it came off wrong.

As for the two "incidents", they never happened. Not one iota of evidence and proof has come about. Just pure speculation with a bit of conjecture seasoned by wishfull thinking.
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Actually, both have filed Intel reports (unfortunately I don't have my repository with me where I'm located)

The days following the Baltic incident there are reports of widespread electrical faults which today sound like EMP. This was probably a fissile yield anyway as was the Korean blast.

The one on Korea resulted in a special drive to the opposite coast by the U.S. after the Inchon landings. Yes I know we would drive across to break the Chinese supply lines.

The best story is U-234, we probably delivered the cargo to Japan by a different means.

The complete story of the German A-bomb research is still classified and FOIA can't get the documents released even at this late date.

I'm pretty conservative and don't jump to conclusions but only after research and study do I express an opinion and each person is entitled to his. I also do not subscribe about the Nazis being the master race but there is a conundrum here, oppressive, restrictive societies do not usually produce great strides in acheivement.

I just see smoke here, does it mean fire or is it just covering up the mirrors. There are just some very convenient coincidences here and we are just told to ignore the man behind the curtains and 1+1=3.

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