Old photos coming to light

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Oct 12, 2011
Wiuth everything going on as it is, I have taken to digging through some of my old photographs owing to images required for one thing or another and recently I stumbled across a pack of images I took at Monino in Moscow on a very rainy and bleak afternoon many years ago. I'm putting them online as I come across them. These were taken with a little 35mm film camera, so they require quite a lot of editing, as I hadn't realised how grainy and grubby they were untilI scanned them.

Beriev VVA-14.

Beriev VVA-14 141 MP
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Thanks guys.

Not sure what that is but it sure is interesting looking.

The Beriev VVA-14 was an ekranoplan (surface effect vehicle) of sorts, Michael; more info can be found here: VVA-14 R.L.Bartini

Today's picture is the mighty Tu-144 "Concordeskii", with its sagging wingtips and dirt streaked flanks looks sad amid the gloomy weather.

Tupolev Tu-144 Charger
The sad thing about Monino is that a big new memorial is being built on the outskirts of Moscow and airframes are being moved there from this museum, but any that are too big to be moved will be scrapped. This will include rarities like the Ukraina, the Sukhoi T-4 and probably the Tu-144.
Today, we look at something that was at one time quite prevalent at Monino, partially incomplete or wrecked airframes. Since my visit some 25 years ago or so, they've done a lot of cleaning up of the place and disposed of some of the less than pristine aircraft, although some have already made the journey to Patriot Park at Kubinka. This Cold War Warrior is a shadow of its former self - the once much feared MiG-25 Foxbat interceptor.

Mikoyan Guryevich MiG-25P Foxbat

And since I'm going away for a night, another 'Beast' of a different nature; the Il-10 Sturmovik looking like its ready for action.

Illyushin Il-10M Beast 001
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