Thanks Andy, Vic, Marcel Terry and Hugh. I wish I could have made it to the Point Mugu Air Show Saturday and Sunday, my old body just can't take the heat for long periods of time, I have to stick to air shows that are close to home. I will be at the Apple Valley Air Show next Saturday, it's not far away.
here is a shot of the Blood Moon, I wish I had a converter for my lens, next thing on my list and a fisheye.
Cheers Aaron and thanks. This is the first time I got a decent shot of the blood moon, my old tripod was wobbly and all my shots were out of focus so I finally bought a good tripod that really holds my camera steady.
That is a good tripod, Looks like it will fold up to use with a back-pack. I had a Quantaray a good tripod but the ball head was terrible, it was all plastic and wiggled badly and I wanted a tripod that would go low to the ground. I bought a Really Right Stuff TVC-33 tripod with a BH-55 Pro ball-head. I really like it, my camera isn't going anywhere and I can get some really low shots.