Once I've finished the RCAF CF-104, and it's Danish counterpart, and at least made a start at getting back to work on the commissions, and given my hands are still working, and I can stay awake - theeeeeennnn I'll bung in a 1/48th scale Mirage IIIC of the Armee de L'Air from the 1960s, in lovely bare metal with red intakes etc.
I picked up the Hobby Boss kit cheapish, but it came sans decals (notice another French connection, eh?) and the canopy was broken.
I've got aftermarket decals and some from the spares box, depending on the final choice of markings, which I understand are acceptable within the 'rules', but I had to get a vac-form canopy (actually for a Mirage F1, the closest I could find) in order to replace the broken opening section.
I presume that, in this case, that will also be acceptable?
If not, then I'll 'enter' something else for the first one.