OOB (Out of Box) unofficial GB - anyone keen?

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Thanks for the encouragement, guys...I am so far past my modelling days, it's not even funny.

I'd probably have to start as a total rank amateur, since I haven't really produced a complete model since 1999 (I probably have paints that are older than many of the members here) and it'll certainly take some time to get back into the swing of things...
No worries Dave, it will be great to have you with us.
I don't know if you even need to bother about 'category' level, as (I atleast) never intended this to be a judged event, thinking that may deter some people, defeating the purpose.
I'm not sure what others' thoughts are on that.

As for Shirley, Caroline and co, you can call me anything you like, just not late for dinner...
Like the kiwi who was pulled over by the cops, and asked to identify himself. He pulled out a mirror, and said 'Yep - that's me!'
I have paint even older than that. Sounds like a fun build. With over 500 kits, I should be able to find something to build. Dave, you can't be much older that me since I'm 65 and plan to build until I'm 100 just to finish my stash.
Nice one Wayne! Be great to have you with us.

Always happy to join in Evan..

Very cool Wayne. I think you'll like the kit. I'm impressed with the Mark XII.

Got a few Airfix Spittys Andy and the new generation do look good so it really becomes a no brainer...it will be my first Airfix kit in some 30plus years!

I have paint even older than that. Sounds like a fun build. With over 500 kits, I should be able to find something to build. Dave, you can't be much older that me since I'm 65 and plan to build until I'm 100 just to finish my stash.

The building till 100 sounds great....I may need more time....
That Seafire is a great kit, but I know the canopy/windscreen joint is too vertical, should be angled forward more. When I built it I corrected it my using a vac canopy, but in an OOB build that's not an option
Am considering an older Heller T-6. Is painting side detailing allowed so that the model would look more like it has an interior? I ask this because the only parts inside are a floor with seats, control columns, and not accurate but acceptable instrument panels.

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