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I was thinking that too. Makes me wonder if the plane was not listing so badly and it rolled over pulling the rope taught and the boat backward thus causing that poor gent at the top to severely soil his dungarees.
Spitire of R. Stanford-Tuck shot down

B-24 landing overshoot in poor visibility

Shot-down He111 in Scotland

Hudson and British Type K dinghy

P-40 lost in north African desert, pilot Denis Copping not found



Spitfire, Normandy
My instructor taught me to unlatch the door of the aircraft in the case of crashing, this way the door won't get jammed if someone has to open them for rescue.
Speaking of getting out in a crash, I'd hate to prang in a Henschel 129, look how cramped the pilot is and the slightest crumpling in a crash would pin him in there-

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