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Blenheim at Tangmere, England

Spitfire/Beaufighter ground collision

Anson at Mallala, Australia
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Lancaster, Fiskerton, England

Halifax damaged by Ju88 night fighter on Hamburg raid


DC-3 took off covered in snow and ice, unable to gain height. Ruislip, England 1946
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Do you mean the one in uniform, or the dog?!!
Chris, the Typhoon engine was running when the prop struck. This makes the tips bend forward, with one or more tips possibly bending back due to the sudden stop as the prop does it's final rotation. When the engine is stopped, or the prop just idling or 'windmilling', as there is no power to 'fight against', the tips would bend back.
Hellcat wing weighting to stop it flipping overboard

B-17 Pearl Harbor

C-47 near Bastogne

Prewar fleet manoeuvres off Hawaii
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B-24 'Lady be Good' left Benghazi to bomb Naples but overflew Benghazi at night on return leg and flew deep into desert, crew bailed when fuel ran out and died of thirst trying to walk out


Avenger hit by Jap flak, pilot mistakenly gave order to bail, 2 crewmen bailed and were captured and executed, pilot found he still had control and landed safely back on carrier


B-25 in Burma
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