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Francis Chichester's DH Gipsy Moth overturned by a gale in the night while moored at Lord Howe Island, Tasman Sea. Minor damage was repaired and he flew on to Australia

But his luck ran out on a later flight while taking off from Katsura bay in Japan 1931 when he hit telephone wires strung across the harbour entrance. Plane was written off and he survived with broken bones. Japanese hospitality was overwhelming as he lay in the local hospital, a constant stream of shocked visitors filed past his bed bringing small gifts and sympathy..

Burnelli RB-2, 1924

As above
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This pic should be captioned "Courage Under Fire". Do you see 1.) What he is trying to do and 2.) What the hell he is stepping on?????

Another Hellcat in trouble, which this time is about to receive a happier ending.

This photo shows the crash landing of F6F-3, Number 30 of Fighting Squadron Two (VF-2) aboard USS Enterprise (CV-6), into the carrier's port side 20mm gun gallery, 10 November 1943. The plane's ruptured belly fuel tank caused instant fire.

Lieutenant Walter L. Chewning, Jr., USNR, the Catapult Officer, is climbing up the plane's side to assist the pilot from the burning aircraft. The pilot, Ensign Byron M. Johnson, escaped without significant injury. USS Enterprise was then en route to support the Gilberts Operation.
Amelia Earhart's Electra at Ford Island (Pearl Harbor) after ground loop during takeoff

B-29, Iwo Jima 1045


Devastator, Yorktown 1940
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