I read somewhere that Jimmie Thach was confronted about F4F pilots dismayed about some modles only having 4 guns as opposed to 6. His response was "What good is having 6 guns when you can't hit anything with 4?"
LOL, never heard that one. Still, even though I am firmly in the P-40 camp, wasn't one of the drawbacks of the P-40 is that it could only use Prestone coolant. It seems to me in reading several Flying Tigers accounts and books, that the AVG guys would go nuts trying to find Prestone. (I am at work and don't have the time or resources to verify all of this)
As far as carrying bombs, and I my have missed this somewhere back there, it was until the introduction of the KIttyhawk variant of the P-40 that it could carry bombs, the P-40 Warhawks, unless they were really modified could not.

LOL, never heard that one. Still, even though I am firmly in the P-40 camp, wasn't one of the drawbacks of the P-40 is that it could only use Prestone coolant. It seems to me in reading several Flying Tigers accounts and books, that the AVG guys would go nuts trying to find Prestone. (I am at work and don't have the time or resources to verify all of this)
As far as carrying bombs, and I my have missed this somewhere back there, it was until the introduction of the KIttyhawk variant of the P-40 that it could carry bombs, the P-40 Warhawks, unless they were really modified could not.