P-47 D - Academy 1/48 - Recuperation

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Hi Mates.

This is a attempt recuperation, the kit was painted look a p47 from warthunder but I'm not like the paint and i'll change, for this profile in aluminium.

See pic below.

The strips are not cool

And This be the new version.

And are in this stage.

But **** always happnes, and my Canopy is Broken
I try a recuperation, but i can't .

Ok, are very hard find a canopy for my kit, i'll do the assemby and when find, i'll finish the kit.

soon new pics.


ps:sorry for my english
You may be able to salvage that canopy. Polish it with fine grades of wet/dry sandpaper to about 12000 grit, maybe even toothpaste, then dip it in some Future or equivalent.
Nice job of stripping the old paint off. What did you use?


Fubar, i used vallejo from base paint and strips used tamyia.

You may be able to salvage that canopy. Polish it with fine grades of wet/dry sandpaper to about 12000 grit, maybe even toothpaste, then dip it in some Future or equivalent.

I try Crimea, i think that problem, i'm uses extra thin tamyia and some wrong happnes.
I try polish but the canopy crash in top of bubble.
You should find that, if toothpaste doesn't work, then a car-body colour restorer ('T-Cut' is a UK brand name) will do the trick. Here's a couple of before and after pics of my 1/32nd scale Beaufighter canopy, when I removed a heavily-moulded frame and polished-out the scratches.


  • MTO Build 002.jpg
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  • MTO Build 352.jpg
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  • MTO Build 354.jpg
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Very good intent and result in the removal of paint, kogyro.
Sure come out ahead with the status of your canopy; the recommendations of the colleagues will always offer possibilities of solution.

I'll pending the development of your P-47

Não tenho dificuldade em entender seu Inglês ... meu Inglês não é o ideal.


Luis Carlos

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