P-51C Mustang on Chinese Markings

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Some progress on paiting...

Looking better to a pic its possible to see the extinguished painting of the Checkertail of the 23th Fighter group.

So I did it too.. I use a Checkertail painture of an P-47 to make the squares wih tamiya masking tape... to cut the tape better I use an glass and a surgical bistoury... all squares must to have 4mm, I use the Tamiya XF1 very thin to make the painture

Aplying and masking the tail:

The final result:

Rubbing a paper towel in the checkertail I´ll get the extinguished painting..

It´s it for now... soon I´ll post more.. and yes the squares are not lined up, cos I think that In the wartime this is made by any skill without too much whim...

Hope the guys enjoy it,

Best regards,


I see you have got your checkertail decals from the academy p47 razorback kit. H ave you built this model yet? I have and found it an enjoyable build, that and my other p-47 are my best models to date.

I see you have got your checkertail decals from the academy p47 razorback kit. H ave you built this model yet? I have and found it an enjoyable build, that and my other p-47 are my best models to date.

I use the checketail decals from the P-47 just do measure it on the same scale, I paint the checkertails on my P-51.

I buil just one P-47 from academy´s I post it here some time ago, the kit that I use the decals I dont build yet, I´ll do it with Luftwaffe colors

Best regards,

Some updates.

Masking to make the overpainted finish:

I use a wax paper and Tamiya tape over an USAF insignia decal to make the mask of the overpaited markings up and bottom of the wing. In the left wing I could see some markings of paints.

On the fuselage I think that the Chineses sand the USAF marking, because on the pics is not possible to see any type or marking of painting.

Masking the rudder strips:

The model is almost finished...

Some news on canopy, (I don´t finished the detais of the canopy, this is just a test fit)

Almost like the real one

I hope that the guys enjoy it !

Today I finish the model !!!

Almost like the real one, the results are good.

The pics are not too good, I´m learning how to photograph my models....

Some more pics.

Here are my NCAF Aircraft !!

Hope the guys enjoy !!!

Best regards to all,


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