P-51D Mustang Recce-Capt.East - Aircraft of the Aces GB.

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They look great Kevin. I have decals for Lil Margaret as well and have wondered what those markings on the port wing are for. Any idea?

Here you go Andy..

From this mostly top-down angle, you can more clearly make out the radio/battery/fuel tank installation in the back of the cockpit (this is the first time in flightsim, that this area has been recreated both accurately and authentically). On the left wing, the camera-sighting markings are applied exactly to how the original service manual specifies, by positioning and dimensions. Just as specified, each cross includes the angle, stenciled next to it. These marks correspond with accurate cross-hairs painted on the canopy (also applied both outside and in).

Maybe it's ago

Warbirdsim's F-6D "Lil' Margaret"
Thks Vic,Andy,Glenn and Hugh glad to see you looking in a well hidden thread Well I am moving right along on #3 today which well pretty much OOB except I think I will add hollow gun barrels.The third plane in this installment an F-6D is "Pride of the Bluegrass" with the pilot Lt.John R. Red coming from Kentucky."Boomerang" is done except for a light weathering on the exhaust and "Lil Margaret" has maybe 1-1.5 hrs left in her with most of that tied up in the exhaust.I plan on making some wooden tables so the mechanics can put some pieces and tools up there.The base still needs a varnish on the outside and I will probably order the plexiglass for the cover tomorrow,oh and the base will get a brass plate also.I have two other Stangs with the appropriate parts painted with the chrommates one will be the A-36 Recce of N.Africa while the other the Revell maybe "Hot Shot" if I have an extra Malcolm Hood?If not then it will be "Berlin Express".


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"Pride of the Bluegrass" gets her base coat.


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She is coming along fairly quick.I had a boo-boo on the cowl out in front of the pit weras I nicked the paint and had to repaint that area with what is suppose to be olive drab but I have been using British Dark Green looks more to scale out of the bottle.The hairy part about that was the decals were already on the plane.I was really alittle bit leery about putting down more tape even though I had applied sealer but it worked out.I feel as I move from plane to plane with the NMF I am getting better with each build.The next build I will employ a different technique for different panels by painting the base coat different shades.Pics....


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