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Yep, looking sweet!

Another Cat' lover here - 3 Academy 1:72 kits: PBY-4, PBY-5, and PBY-5A Black Cat (have an Airfix PBY-5A Black Cat back in NZ too)

The PBY-5 will be an RNZAF PBY-5 or PB2B-1 in one of two paint schemes used. The -4 and -5A will be chopped at the same point just behind the wing mount and forward fueslages swapped.
The -4 nose and -5A tail will become either an RNZAF bird in the version and scheme not previously made, or an RAF Coastal Command No.490 (NZ) sqn. Catalina Mk.Ib (US equiv. PBY-5)
The -5A nose and -4 tail will become the prototype PBY-5A (Bu. 1245) - a stock PBY-4 with retractable undercarriage fitted.
thanks Fellas for your always warm replies here is the update still filling in the skin between the formers and stringer4s lots to do but getting there if the good lord is willing and rivers dont rise I should have this Behemouth all skinned by tomorrow some time. Here is the updats fellas/.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I clicked the wrong button got it right this time. BoatsxD


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Ahoy Lucky13
Man o Man do they look pretty, I have the one on the top right in its original box that I bought in 1997 when it was first released. the other threee I never seen before never seen them at my hobby shop i got to. same kit different decals along with the box Art. HMmmmmmmmmmmmm they give me some Ideas onthe paont schedule, Very Very Pretty in deed , thanks for the post a lot of food for thought there.

Ahoy fellas
I want to wish every one each of you to have a wonderfull easter, The old Catalina is coming along i almost have all the skins completed all is left is the three bottom planes and she is ready for the next step and the fun has just begun. Here is thye three up-date pictures of the Catalina.



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Ahoy Boats!
Some mighty good work going on there, excellent!
Have to say that a Cat in the Dark Gull Gray, over Light Gull Gray, over White would look mighty fiiiine! 8)

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