Pete resting on the beach..(wip 1)

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Thank you very much for the feedback gentlemen! I wish you all a Happy 2013!!

Having finished the 1st palm tree of the four it was time I turned to the constuction of the thatched hut and the stilt jetty which will stand quite near to the seaplane..To make things easier for me I made a sketch so to say, of the project on different colored cardboard paper.

At first I cut an unfortunate sweep into pieces to use for my purpose..

..and other things,too!..

I cut balsa wood to the right dimensions

Without facing any difficulty I finished the small pier in less than two hours and was just about to paint it..

..however,a good friend here in Greece who is very good both as an architect and as a modeller told me that the jetty had some basic structural mistakes and asked me to fix them but I didn't listen to him!!..

Back to the start again for a new and last attempt as it turned out to be..
Thank you all for looking at my work..I'm now certainly going to focus on building a hut as it would be in 1/1 scale making the most of my favourite 1/48 scale experience..



Fooking engineers, me hates them! You couldn't save your wonderfully constructed, but terribly mechanically engineered scaled dock for another project?!?!?! You had relegate that work of art to the baseball bat!? Oh the humanity...

I do have to say your rework is brilliant. Just brilliant.
Fooking engineers, me hates them!

Hey!!!!! I happen to be one and would point out, good sir, that he said ARCHITECT!!!!!!! Many an engineer has saved an architect's a$$ by actually come up with a way to build something that was designed to be unbuildable. Otherwise, the pyramids would have looked like this:

Oh yeah, we did actually find a way to build that one.....

Anyway, back to the real topic. Panagiotis, the dock looks great and must admit the second one looks better. Looking forward to more and happy 2013!
Well, if you argue about a bl##ding rotten pier, then I can't imagine what's going to happen with the thatched hut which comes next!!
Thank you all for your comments and the witty remarks!!
Superb work, on both versions. Architect or engineer, there's a difference when building something like this 'in the field', when ordinary soldiers do the job. It might not be built as per an archticect's design, or an engineers rules, but by any method which works - I know, I've done it (then the shed collapsed two weeks later!!).
Really nice work and great attention to detail - this diorama is going to look the biz!
(Matt..Andy..are you guys civil engineers..or just like most of the others I've met?? ...Accountant ducks for cover )

Well, it just so happens I DID get a degree in Civil Engineering, and I still am civil most days! So Darryl, how are those lion taming lessons coming along????

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