Picture of the day.

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Looking again at the ...... "sign painter" ............ above.
There is no doubt in my mind it is a set-up. NO ONE could paint a smooth line with that wire brush he has in his hand!!!

B-17 named "Whizzer II" Lockheed/Vega B-17F-20-VE Flying Fortress s/n 42-5786 from the 840th BS, 483rd BG, 15th AF, after being hit by anti-aircraft fire over the rail yards of Nis,Yugoslavia in April 1944.
This was the first plane and crew from the 483rd to be lost in combat.Her crew that day, all KIA:
James O. Preston - pilot
Harry L. Johnson - copilot
Gordon G. Lindholm - navigator
Jesse D. Gresham - bombardier
S/Sgt. John C. Toutant - engineer/top turret
S/Sgt. John T. Cieslak - radio operator
Sgt. Harold J. Pierce - gunner
Sgt. Albert H. Cline - gunner
Sgt. Jack Brown,Jr. - gunner
Sgt. James E. Cooper - tail gunner

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