Picture of the day.

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Lucky, you always post some real interesting photos, but how about giving some details about the posted photo.
I've posted this photo in other threads in the past, most recently today in a bomber versus fighter discussion.

Then it occurred to me that it might be fitting for the "Picture of the Day" since this happened exactly 69 years ago today.

This is a B-24M (44-50838) that was hit by a salvo of R4M rockets launched by a Me262 on 4 April 1945. Only one crewmember, Cpl. Charles Cupp, Jr., survived.

I-16 looks like a dead engine landing because the prop isnt damaged but the bottom of the cowling is where it presumably nosed over.

Image from miliblog a really good site with lots of photos that are new to me
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I agree with you on the I-15 definitely GA but the I-16 there looks to be scrape marks running back from it so not so sure on that. Unless it was dragged off a runway to clear it for LW use.

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