Pictures of Bavaria and other parts of Southern Germany.

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What about the 3rd Reich architecture. Not saying that the Nazis were good people but the 3rd Reich architecture was beautiful and grand. As lover of History I enjoy seeing these things today, and feel very lucky to live near these great pieces of history.
It is history and can be learned from. I do not agree or like what the Nazis did either, but you can not destroy history. Those that want to or choose to destroy history are the ones that do not learn from it and knowledge is the most powerful thing that a man can have. Those that do not learn from it, live a life of ignorancy.
On the right that is powerful light on the left I do not know. These were taken right before Rock im Park 2006 (great fricken Rock festival. Last year Metallica, Tool, Trivium, Alice in Chains among 90 other bands were there ****ing playing Heavy Metal music on the former 3rd reich stomping grounds! sorry I will get back on topic) so there fore it could be the barricades they were setting up so know one could damage, destroy, vandalize the buildings.
i dont say - help me god - it is something i dont recognize. just for me, it represents as much as a ****, be it on the street or on a stadium... this ideologz kcuased that i dont have all these cousins and aunts and oncles... they gased then all like animals... so **** this architecture

LOL, I wasn't contiusnes (however is this spelled) when I wrote that...

However, I brought this fact up here several times. It is the same with other things - be it aircrafts, technics, etc. The might be good, but the purpose of their creation is that they were ought to serve the forces of evil... Bf 109 was built to conquer the World, as same as was Panther, Kübelwagen, Mauser or the München stadium... It represents something that was ad hoc made to kill people. Even I pay attention to these things, I cannot stand that idea.

Do I have this right? Metallica, Alice in Chains, ect, were all playing on the same stage that Hitler once made his speaches from?

That's really kind,... dunno... odd...
it's great as far as I am concerned. Might as well use the oversized hunk of junk for something useful or else bull-doze that crap right outta here. We have enough pictures showing us what it was like. I do see Adlers and Pisis point of view. Guess you could also look at this, the huge concrete 128mm quad towers in Berlin, Hamburg and Wien to be removed, and they have tried, think Berlins have been toppled but from what I undrstand one of them in Wien in the Augarten park is used for offices and a high fashion Cafe shop. Pisis you have been here......... yes ? I was there in 1980 but sadly I was on the other side of the river close to the Dom and parliment building's sucking up the culture and of course the underground shops which were a pure delight. Have to admit Wien has some gorgeous looking babes
I dont think they should remove them Erich. They are a part of history just like everything else.

The pyramids were built by slaves who built them for rulers who wanted to conquor there known world. Should we tear down the pyramids as well? Why stop there, how about the Kremlin and Babylon...
Chris actually Babylon is on the target list for the future, and it will be vapourized.

yes I think some recollections in the arch. form need to be left and lie to be worn down over time. as the Flak Tors are so bloody big removing them would not even be cost effective. When you think of the future generations they will not even notice and maybe not even ask what those strange hard looking buildings represent or were built for during the war as the veterans will be long dead
Chris I think back in the 1950's the French ? demolished one of them in Berlin . . . in any case what a wild site they must be standing like that, almost impervious except to a direct heavy bomb hit
Do I have this right? Metallica, Alice in Chains, ect, were all playing on the same stage that Hitler once made his speaches from?

That's really kind,... dunno... odd...

The do not play on the building but rather on the grounds. The 2nd Stage was right next to building that Hitler used to give his speaches. Basically the show is on the parade grounds.

It is a yearly festival that I go to every year that brings the best rock bands in the world for a 3 day festival.
Chris I think back in the 1950's the French ? demolished one of them in Berlin . . . in any case what a wild site they must be standing like that, almost impervious except to a direct heavy bomb hit

I know of one in Berlin that is still standing today.

I watched a documentary the other day about 3rd Reich ruins in Berlin. It actually was quite intersting. They showed one of the FLAK towers and that the U-Bahns are lined in Marble that was actually the floors and walls of the Reichstag and that there are Eagles all over Berlin with just the swatzika removed.

I have not been to Berlin since the day the wall fell (except flying to Berlin to pic up Generals but that was not sight seeing so it does not count), so I am really looking foward to this trip for New Years.

Posted by a man who has aircraft in his siggy with meatballs on its wings.

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