Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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evangilder said:
I will have a new one for you in a few weeks. I am going up in an SNJ in three weeks and plan on having some fellow photographers on hand for the event.
Very Cool!!!

CC - You look like a third world dictator! ;)
as much as i detest seeing CC's ugly mug most days anyway, shouldn't you use ones where you can actually see the person ;)

and yes skimmy people said that at the time, hence i've got it saved as "john lennon" on me computer.........
Hey I got no problem with it, its just that there isnt a lot of presentable photos of me (none that im happy with anyway) ;)
Here ya go.


  • picofme.jpg
    41.7 KB · Views: 714
lesofprimus said:
I posted ur pic hunter, then deleted ur post, as I forgot to re-lock the thread after editing...

And yes, I have alot of retarded pics on my comp....

Thanks Les, sorry I was not sure if I was supposed to post it there or on this thread.

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