Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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don't encourage him

and don't worry les'll still have some sort of comment to make, i would of course pass comment on how attractive you are if it weren't for the fact i'd get slammed in some form or annother by someone.............
1) It's not "stuck to my mouth", I'm biting it.
and 2) I was just proving that I'm not some insecure loser who has to steal other peoples pictures.
[Or post pictures of myself drunk/drinking to prove jsut how "tough" or "cool" I am]
Novice said:
1) It's not "stuck to my mouth", I'm biting it.
and 2) I was just proving that I'm not some insecure loser who has to steal other peoples pictures.
[Or post pictures of myself drunk/drinking to prove jsut how "tough" or "cool" I am]

Welcome to the site.
[Or post pictures of myself drunk/drinking to prove jsut how "tough" or "cool" I am]
Damn Pisis, she nailed u there...

can you do wallabee cajun style?
I could but since Im not into Cajun Style cookin, Ill have to eat it the normal way I suppose.... Lightly seared on each side with Taragon, Thyme, 1 clove of Garlic and a pinch of Salt...

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