It beat the crap out of all those fancy Berghaus things Adler I was bone dry all week and it rained like a monsoon for the first 4 days, best of all including the leggings and a pair of British high leg ammo boots I only payed $80 for the lot. one guy had really expensive Gortex hiking boots and after 10 hours his feet where sodden so I let him have a pair of spare socks I always carry put plastic bags on him and told him to put his boots back on which cheered him up a bit as his feet where turning blue . but I could of well done without having to cover his arse as well as my own, specially as he was 20 odd years my junior.
There where quite a few office types there Les who could talk the talk and had read loads of books but where bloody useless at walking the walk, I ended up doing all the butchery because believe it or not they where squeamish and I also did most of the construction while they foraged for pig nuts and plants if it had been the real deal I would give them about a 6 day survival expectancy, in mid winter about 2 if it was mild