Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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I just caught this thread too. Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys, Emac. Having 2 children myself, I couldn't imagine being separated from them for very long, aside from the overnight trip to grandma and grandpas house. Best of luck to you both.
Thanks Evan. My father always said of me I could never take the easy road in life. I had to take the most difficult route possible and as such have instilled same with my own wife and kids. Anything worthwhiled having in life in my opinion you strive and fight for. One thing it does give you is strength of character and pride in achievement and I pass it onto my wife and kids this attitude.

Oh yes and an update Nicole had her last medical yesterday in Cebu. Results will be passed onto the Panel Doctor in Cebu on Monday to be forwarded to Australian Embassy in Manila and then passed onto Panel Doctors in Australia to evaluate. Course this will take further time possibley another 3 months before we get any feed back from Immigration Department

Well we have had some news. I received an Email from Immigration in Manila. Nicole's application maybe approved on a Health Waiver. We will find out more in the next couple of weeks or months
Yo Becca, good pics! :cool:

Not that anyone should give half a sh*t, but here I be. I ain't hardly around these days, but I still think of you tits now and then. ;)

Anyway, good seeing you fellers. Off to a date now. :toothy5: (tee-hee)


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