Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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Thats wonderful Emac. I was never good at being a girly-girl. Was a Tom-boy. :lol: Gave my Barbies buzz cuts. lol. I have 2 sisters that are, though. I pray that all the red tape cuts like butter, and shes at home with you guys, SOON!

and BTW..nothing at ALL wrong with being a big kid. You'll live longer!
I will pass on your prayers and wishes to my wife Geralidine (GiGi) it is really my wife who has gone last 2 yrs missing Nicole terribley. its like a big chunk out of her life each day for her. Often I have come across Geraldine crying for privately. We refer to the Bathroom (toilet) as the CR (Crying Room). It helps Geraldine at times for I have this sense of humour that gives her strength to keep going daily. But as my Old Gun Sgt use to say If it doesn't kill you it is good for you. Builds courage strength and character. We as a family will find strength courage and character in each of us. No one ever said life was meant to be easy. You might say the family that struggles together through hard times survives together and that I have no doubt of

do you mind if I use your thread for posting a pics of my wife, son and me or do I have to open another thread?:|
Here are few pics from this year local airshow...


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    101.1 KB · Views: 113 right click on the picture in question BEFORE you try to download on EDIT. Then take the shots down to 50%..try that. Les isn't in attendance til tomorrow.
Thanks Becca for the advice. So I right click the photo select edit. Then go to view and attributes and decrease them Vertical and Horizontal aspect of the photo from 100x100 to say 50x50 etc And save changes to the photo Becca. Then download photo to site. Is that correct
Yes just click edit and then go to size/skew image and downsize it 50 percent. If you are having a problem with this. Send me the pics in an email or pm and I can do it for you.
Thanks Les and Becca. Seems both ways work Attributes and on my computer Les its sketch and skew but it works any way. I downsized by either Attributes of photo by 50% or I do the same with sketch and skew. Thanks for the advice. Photo of Andrew at Fortress San Pedro Cebu and the Martyrs Cross at the Intramorus Manila.

Is that better Les?


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