Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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I see a 4 X sign in the background..... Isnt that a condom brand???

Were u at a Porno Convention?? With ur Cousin???

I knew u Vickies were twisted, but not twisted like the Northern Mississippi Inbreeders.... Guess I was wrong..

XXXX is a brand of beer, the brand which I drink, and it was at a rodeo where my cousin just happened to be attending and I'm not a victorian, I'm a queenslander sir! :)
I see a 4 X sign in the background..... Isnt that a condom brand???

Were u at a Porno Convention?? With ur Cousin???

I knew u Vickies were twisted, but not twisted like the Northern Mississippi Inbreeders.... Guess I was wrong..

XXXX is a brand of beer, the brand which I drink, and it was at a rodeo where my cousin just happened to be attending and I'm not a victorian, I'm a queenslander sir! :)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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